Monday, November 24, 2008

Well I did it...

I cut my hair. I didn't make it completely to my goal length, about 2-3 inches short, but I still consider the endeavor to be a success! I might not have made it all the way, BUT, I did grow it for over a year and a half and I put up with it annoying the crap out of me and being very tempted to cut it all off on several occasions. I stuck it out no matter how much I didn't want to, I got to see what it would be like if it was that long...and that's what I set out to do. Mission completed.

I have been having a lot of headache and neck issues lately and I thought the weight off all that hair probably wasn't helping, so that's what made me decide to finally end my journey...well that and that fact that I couldn't see anything if I ever leaned forward because there was just too dang much hair in the way.

Now to take this long term, stick it out to a goal success and translate it into other areas of my life. Most specifically, my weight loss. Not that I've had much of that lately...but that IS going to change. Right now in fact, I'm going to go hop on the elliptical and burn some calories!

I'll try to post pics later of the hair change. Don't have any of the shorter 'do yet. I really should make that my next goal I suppose, LOL...finally getting aroung to posting all the pics of things I promised I would!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

can't wait to see it. Maybe someday yours can be as short as mine ;-)